Monday, January 09, 2006


Well, that was a little lame. Only two people participated in Scrabble, so it's on hold and we'll finish that game next weekend.

The Marlins were in town today and we didn't put on our best face. In the Oregonian column linked to by FishStripes, John Canzano seemingly could not find anyone who might have the slightest interest in baseball. Which is crap. Ratings for Game Four of this year's World Series:
Of the markets not in Texas or Chicago, Portland ranked fourth in the nation with a 14.8 rating, behind St. Louis (22.9), Minneapolis-St. Paul (15.5) and Phoenix (15.0).
It's not like we had a horse in that race. Here's the other paper, the Portland Tribune's, column from December.

Sadly, the majority of native Portlanders have been brainwashed by the proximity of the Mariners into thinking the American League is real baseball. And it would probably continue to be that way as I could see the Portland Salmon/Orca/Beavers/Really Big Trees moving to the AL West and one of the NL Central teams going to the NL East.

Also, PGE Park? Gorgeous. With a delicious microbrew beer garden right down the right field line.

Course, our mayor isn't really on board, so this whole exercise is academic.

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